Friday, November 21, 2014

Stitching for Charity

Yesterday evening I finished stitching 9 little snowmen. I mailed them today.
I stitched them for the French & music House in Kansas City, MO. They will be turning them into ornaments to raise money for their Student Aid Project. I'm excited to see them!

Friday, August 29, 2014

My 1st SAL

What is a SAL? It is short for Stitch-A-Long.

This will be my first SAL! I'm excited, ready to start, and anxious (I'm already behind.) The first part was released weeks ago. I just found out about it!
But, first I need supplies. I have the pattern because it is a free download. Shannon Wasilieff Designs Lasting Allure I still need some basic supplies, since I have only been working kits up until this project.
I will need:

  • a working frame that will accommodate the fabric.
  • Fabric - I am going to try a sparkly Lugana Evenweave (Another 1st)
    • Ordered and waiting for delivery!
  • the 16 colors of Cotton Floss
  • 2 colors of Mill Hill Beads (Another 1st)

There's probably more but I can't think of it.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

I hope...

I have created one of these. We will see how long it lasts. I hope to post ALL of things I can. I hope I don't mind blank much when I see the empty white page. I hope I don't write too many grammar and user errors. HA! I hope my blogs aren't to short.